Java : DoubleSupplier with Examples
DoubleSupplier (Java SE 21 & JDK 21) with Examples.
You will find code examples on most DoubleSupplier methods.
Represents a supplier of double-valued results. This is the double-producing primitive specialization of Supplier.
final var opt1 = DoubleStream.of(0.123, 4.56).findFirst();
final var opt2 = DoubleStream.empty().findFirst();
final var other = new DoubleSupplier() {
public double getAsDouble() {
return 0.789;
System.out.println(opt1.orElseGet(other)); // 0.123
System.out.println(opt2.orElseGet(other)); // 0.789
// An example with a lambda expression.
final var opt = DoubleStream.empty().findFirst();
System.out.println(opt.orElseGet(() -> 0.789)); // 0.789
double getAsDouble ()
Gets a result.
final var opt1 = DoubleStream.of(0.123, 4.56).findFirst();
final var opt2 = DoubleStream.empty().findFirst();
final var other = new DoubleSupplier() {
public double getAsDouble() {
return 0.789;
System.out.println(opt1.orElseGet(other)); // 0.123
System.out.println(opt2.orElseGet(other)); // 0.789
// An example with a lambda expression.
final var opt = DoubleStream.empty().findFirst();
System.out.println(opt.orElseGet(() -> 0.789)); // 0.789