Java : Random with Examples
Random (Java SE 17 & JDK 17) API Examples.
You will find code examples on most Random methods.
An instance of this class is used to generate a stream of pseudorandom numbers; its period is only 248.
final var random = new Random();
IntStream.range(0, 10).forEach(i -> {
// Generates random numbers from 0 to 999.
final var value = random.nextInt(1000);
// Result
// ↓
See also below.
Choosing a Random Number Generator Algorithm
Random (LCG) is the weakest of the available algorithms, and it is recommended that users migrate to newer algorithms. If an application requires a random number generator algorithm that is cryptographically secure, then it should continue to use an instance of the class SecureRandom.
Random ()
Creates a new random number generator.
final var randomA = new Random();
// Result
// ↓
final var randomB = new Random();
// Result
// ↓
Random (long seed)
Creates a new random number generator using a single long seed.
final var seed = 1L;
final var randomA = new Random(seed);
// Result
// ↓
final var randomB = new Random(seed);
// Result
// ↓
DoubleStream doubles ()
Returns an effectively unlimited stream of pseudorandom double values, each between zero (inclusive) and one (exclusive).
final var random = new Random();
final var stream = random.doubles();
// Result
// ↓
DoubleStream doubles (double randomNumberOrigin, double randomNumberBound)
Returns an effectively unlimited stream of pseudorandom double values, each conforming to the given origin (inclusive) and bound (exclusive).
final var random = new Random();
final var stream = random.doubles(-2.0, 2.0);
// Result
// ↓
DoubleStream doubles (long streamSize)
Returns a stream producing the given streamSize number of pseudorandom double values, each between zero (inclusive) and one (exclusive).
final var random = new Random();
final var stream = random.doubles(5);
// Result
// ↓
DoubleStream doubles (long streamSize, double randomNumberOrigin, double randomNumberBound)
Returns a stream producing the given streamSize number of pseudorandom double values, each conforming to the given origin (inclusive) and bound (exclusive).
final var random = new Random();
final var stream = random.doubles(10, -2.0, 2.0);
// Result
// ↓
IntStream ints ()
Returns an effectively unlimited stream of pseudorandom int values.
final var random = new Random();
final var stream = random.ints();
// Result
// ↓
IntStream ints (int randomNumberOrigin, int randomNumberBound)
Returns an effectively unlimited stream of pseudorandom int values, each conforming to the given origin (inclusive) and bound (exclusive).
final var random = new Random();
final var stream = random.ints(-20, 20);
// Result
// ↓
IntStream ints (long streamSize)
Returns a stream producing the given streamSize number of pseudorandom int values.
final var random = new Random();
final var stream = random.ints(5);
// Result
// ↓
IntStream ints (long streamSize, int randomNumberOrigin, int randomNumberBound)
Returns a stream producing the given streamSize number of pseudorandom int values, each conforming to the given origin (inclusive) and bound (exclusive).
final var random = new Random();
final var stream = random.ints(10, -20, 20);
// Result
// ↓
LongStream longs ()
Returns an effectively unlimited stream of pseudorandom long values.
final var random = new Random();
final var stream = random.longs();
// Result
// ↓
LongStream longs (long streamSize)
Returns a stream producing the given streamSize number of pseudorandom long values.
final var random = new Random();
final var stream = random.longs(5);
// Result
// ↓
LongStream longs (long randomNumberOrigin, long randomNumberBound)
Returns an effectively unlimited stream of pseudorandom long values, each conforming to the given origin (inclusive) and bound (exclusive).
final var random = new Random();
final var stream = random.longs(-20, 20);
// Result
// ↓
LongStream longs (long streamSize, long randomNumberOrigin, long randomNumberBound)
Returns a stream producing the given streamSize number of pseudorandom long, each conforming to the given origin (inclusive) and bound (exclusive).
final var random = new Random();
final var stream = random.longs(10, -20, 20);
// Result
// ↓
protected int next (int bits)
Generates the next pseudorandom number.
I think it's rare to create a subclass of Random. Therefore, the code example is omitted.
boolean nextBoolean ()
Returns the next pseudorandom, uniformly distributed boolean value from this random number generator's sequence.
final var random = new Random();
IntStream.range(0, 5).forEach(i -> {
final var value = random.nextBoolean();
// Result
// ↓
void nextBytes (byte[] bytes)
Generates random bytes and places them into a user-supplied byte array.
final var random = new Random();
final var bytes = new byte[10];
// [86, -2, -56, -114, 56, -114, 13, 55, 104, 29]
// [-67, 44, 80, -39, 9, 38, 60, 49, 67, 127]
double nextDouble ()
Returns the next pseudorandom, uniformly distributed double value between 0.0 and 1.0 from this random number generator's sequence.
final var random = new Random();
IntStream.range(0, 5).forEach(i -> {
final var value = random.nextDouble();
// Result
// ↓
float nextFloat ()
Returns the next pseudorandom, uniformly distributed float value between 0.0 and 1.0 from this random number generator's sequence.
final var random = new Random();
IntStream.range(0, 5).forEach(i -> {
final var value = random.nextFloat();
// Result
// ↓
double nextGaussian ()
Returns the next pseudorandom, Gaussian ("normally") distributed double value with mean 0.0 and standard deviation 1.0 from this random number generator's sequence.
final var random = new Random();
IntStream.range(0, 5).forEach(i -> {
final var value = random.nextGaussian();
// Result
// ↓
int nextInt ()
Returns the next pseudorandom, uniformly distributed int value from this random number generator's sequence.
final var random = new Random();
IntStream.range(0, 5).forEach(i -> {
final var value = random.nextInt();
// Result
// ↓
int nextInt (int bound)
Returns a pseudorandom, uniformly distributed int value between 0 (inclusive) and the specified value (exclusive), drawn from this random number generator's sequence.
final var random = new Random();
IntStream.range(0, 10).forEach(i -> {
final var value = random.nextInt(1000);
// Result
// ↓
long nextLong ()
Returns the next pseudorandom, uniformly distributed long value from this random number generator's sequence.
final var random = new Random();
IntStream.range(0, 5).forEach(i -> {
final var value = random.nextLong();
// Result
// ↓
void setSeed (long seed)
Sets the seed of this random number generator using a single long seed.
final var random = new Random(1);
// Result
// ↓
// Result
// ↓
Methods declared in RandomGenerator
isDeprecated, nextDouble, nextDouble, nextExponential, nextFloat, nextFloat, nextGaussian, nextInt, nextLong, nextLong
Please see the link below.
Related posts
- API Examples