Java : Field (reflection) with Examples
Field (Java SE 18 & JDK 18) API Examples.
You will find code examples on most Field methods.
A Field provides information about, and dynamic access to, a single field of a class or an interface. The reflected field may be a class (static) field or an instance field.
public class AccessTest {
private int num = 100;
final var field = AccessTest.class.getDeclaredField("num");
System.out.println(field); // private int AccessTest.num
final var obj = new AccessTest();
System.out.println(field.canAccess(obj)); // false
//field.getInt(obj); // IllegalAccessException
System.out.println(field.trySetAccessible()); // true
System.out.println(field.canAccess(obj)); // true
System.out.println(field.getInt(obj)); // 100
Fields declared in Member
boolean equals (Object obj)
Compares this Field against the specified object.
class A {
int num;
String str;
final var a1 = new A();
final var a2 = new A();
final var num1 = a1.getClass().getDeclaredField("num");
final var num2 = a2.getClass().getDeclaredField("num");
System.out.println(num1.equals(num2)); // true
final var str = a1.getClass().getDeclaredField("str");
System.out.println(str.equals(num1)); // false
Object get (Object obj)
Returns the value of the field represented by this Field, on the specified object.
public class GetTest {
public int num1 = 100;
public String str1 = "abcd";
public static int num2 = 999;
private String str2 = "XYZ";
final var cls = GetTest.class;
final var obj = new GetTest();
final var num1 = cls.getDeclaredField("num1");
System.out.println("num1 : " + num1.get(obj));
final var str1 = cls.getDeclaredField("str1");
System.out.println("str1 : " + str1.get(obj));
final var num2 = cls.getDeclaredField("num2");
System.out.println("num2 : " + num2.get(null));
try {
final var str2 = cls.getDeclaredField("str2");
final var ret = str2.get(obj);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
System.out.println("str2 : IllegalAccessException!");
// Result
// ↓
//num1 : 100
//str1 : abcd
//num2 : 999
//str2 : IllegalAccessException!
AnnotatedType getAnnotatedType ()
Returns an AnnotatedType object that represents the use of a type to specify the declared type of the field represented by this Field.
public class Foo {
public int num;
public String str;
final var cls = Foo.class;
final var numField = cls.getDeclaredField("num");
System.out.println(numField); // public int Foo.num
final var numType = numField.getAnnotatedType();
System.out.println(numType); // int
final var strField = cls.getDeclaredField("str");
System.out.println(strField); // public java.lang.String Foo.str
final var strType = strField.getAnnotatedType();
System.out.println(strType); // java.lang.String
<T extends Annotation> T getAnnotation (Class<T> annotationClass)
Returns this element's annotation for the specified type if such an annotation is present, else null.
public @interface Foo {
public @interface Bar {
public class A {
public int num;
public String str;
final var field = A.class.getDeclaredField("num");
System.out.println(field); // public int A.num
final var ret1 = field.getAnnotation(Foo.class);
System.out.println(ret1); // @Foo()
final var ret2 = field.getAnnotation(Bar.class);
System.out.println(ret2); // null
final var field = A.class.getDeclaredField("str");
System.out.println(field); // public java.lang.String A.str
final var ret1 = field.getAnnotation(Foo.class);
System.out.println(ret1); // null
final var ret2 = field.getAnnotation(Bar.class);
System.out.println(ret2); // @Bar()
<T extends Annotation> T[] getAnnotationsByType (Class<T> annotationClass)
Returns annotations that are associated with this element.
public @interface Foo {
String value();
public @interface FooArray {
Foo[] value();
public class A {
public int num;
final var field = A.class.getDeclaredField("num");
System.out.println("-- annotations --");
for (final var a : field.getAnnotationsByType(Foo.class)) {
System.out.println(a.annotationType().getSimpleName() + " : " + a.value());
// Result
// ↓
//public int A.num
//-- annotations --
//Foo : a1
//Foo : a2
boolean getBoolean (Object obj)
Gets the value of a static or instance boolean field.
Please see also : get(Object obj)
public class Foo {
public boolean value = true;
public String str = "abcd";
final var cls = Foo.class;
final var obj = new Foo();
final var field = cls.getDeclaredField("value");
System.out.println(field); // public boolean Foo.value
final var ret = field.getBoolean(obj);
System.out.println(ret); // true
final var field = cls.getDeclaredField("str");
System.out.println(field); // public java.lang.String Foo.str
try {
final var ret = field.getBoolean(obj);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// Result
// ↓
// Attempt to get java.lang.String field "Foo.str" with illegal data type
// conversion to boolean
byte getByte (Object obj)
Gets the value of a static or instance byte field.
This method is equivalent except a type to getInt(Object obj).
char getChar (Object obj)
Gets the value of a static or instance field of type char or of another primitive type convertible to type char via a widening conversion.
Please see also : get(Object obj)
public class Foo {
public char value = 'a';
public String str = "abcd";
final var cls = Foo.class;
final var obj = new Foo();
final var field = cls.getDeclaredField("value");
System.out.println(field); // public char Foo.value
final var ret = field.getChar(obj);
System.out.println(ret); // a
final var field = cls.getDeclaredField("str");
System.out.println(field); // public java.lang.String Foo.str
try {
final var ret = field.getChar(obj);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// Result
// ↓
// Attempt to get java.lang.String field "Foo.str" with illegal data type
// conversion to char
Class<?> getDeclaringClass ()
Returns the Class object representing the class or interface that declares the field represented by this Field object.
public class AccessTest {
private int num = 100;
final var cls = AccessTest.class;
final var field = cls.getDeclaredField("num");
System.out.println(field); // private int AccessTest.num
final var ret = field.getDeclaringClass();
System.out.println(ret); // class AccessTest
System.out.println(cls.equals(ret)); // true
double getDouble (Object obj)
Gets the value of a static or instance field of type double or of another primitive type convertible to type double via a widening conversion.
Please see also : get(Object obj)
public class Foo {
public double value = 1.23;
public String str = "abcd";
final var cls = Foo.class;
final var obj = new Foo();
final var field = cls.getDeclaredField("value");
System.out.println(field); // public double Foo.value
final var ret = field.getDouble(obj);
System.out.println(ret); // 1.23
final var field = cls.getDeclaredField("str");
System.out.println(field); // public java.lang.String Foo.str
try {
final var ret = field.getDouble(obj);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// Result
// ↓
// Attempt to get java.lang.String field "Foo.str" with illegal data type
// conversion to double
float getFloat (Object obj)
Gets the value of a static or instance field of type float or of another primitive type convertible to type float via a widening conversion.
This method is equivalent except a type to getDouble(Object obj).
Type getGenericType ()
Returns a Type object that represents the declared type for the field represented by this Field object.
public class Foo<T> {
public T value;
public int num;
final var foo = new Foo<String>();
final var field = foo.getClass().getDeclaredField("value");
System.out.println(field); // public java.lang.Object Foo.value
final var ret1 = field.getGenericType();
System.out.println(ret1); // T
final var ret2 = field.getType();
System.out.println(ret2); // class java.lang.Object
final var field = Foo.class.getDeclaredField("num");
System.out.println(field); // public int Foo.num
final var ret1 = field.getGenericType();
System.out.println(ret1); // int
final var ret2 = field.getType();
System.out.println(ret2); // int
int getInt (Object obj)
Gets the value of a static or instance field of type int or of another primitive type convertible to type int via a widening conversion.
Please see also : get(Object obj)
public class Foo {
public int value = 123;
public String str = "abcd";
final var cls = Foo.class;
final var obj = new Foo();
final var field = cls.getDeclaredField("value");
System.out.println(field); // public int Foo.value
final var ret = field.getInt(obj);
System.out.println(ret); // 123
final var field = cls.getDeclaredField("str");
System.out.println(field); // public java.lang.String Foo.str
try {
final var ret = field.getInt(obj);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// Result
// ↓
// Attempt to get java.lang.String field "Foo.str" with illegal data type
// conversion to int
long getLong (Object obj)
Gets the value of a static or instance field of type long or of another primitive type convertible to type long via a widening conversion.
This method is equivalent except a type to getInt(Object obj).
int getModifiers ()
Returns the Java language modifiers for the field represented by this Field object, as an integer.
class Foo {
public int a;
protected int b;
private int c;
final var cls = Foo.class;
for (final var field : cls.getDeclaredFields()) {
final var mod = field.getModifiers();
System.out.println("name = " + field.getName() + " : mod = " + mod);
System.out.println(" isPublic : " + Modifier.isPublic(mod));
System.out.println(" isProtected : " + Modifier.isProtected(mod));
System.out.println(" isPrivate : " + Modifier.isPrivate(mod));
// Result
// ↓
//name = a : mod = 1
// isPublic : true
// isProtected : false
// isPrivate : false
//name = b : mod = 4
// isPublic : false
// isProtected : true
// isPrivate : false
//name = c : mod = 2
// isPublic : false
// isProtected : false
// isPrivate : true
String getName ()
Returns the name of the field represented by this Field object.
public class Foo {
public int num;
public String str;
final var cls = Foo.class;
final var num = cls.getDeclaredField("num");
System.out.println(num); // public int Foo.num
System.out.println(num.getName()); // num
final var str = cls.getDeclaredField("str");
System.out.println(str); // public java.lang.String Foo.str
System.out.println(str.getName()); // str
short getShort (Object obj)
Gets the value of a static or instance field of type short or of another primitive type convertible to type short via a widening conversion.
This method is equivalent except a type to getInt(Object obj).
Class<?> getType ()
Returns a Class object that identifies the declared type for the field represented by this Field object.
Please see getGenericType().
int hashCode ()
Returns a hashcode for this Field.
class Foo {
int num;
String str;
final var cls = Foo.class;
final var ret1 = cls.getDeclaredField("num").hashCode();
System.out.println(ret1); // -1850314582
final var ret2 = cls.getDeclaredField("str").hashCode();
System.out.println(ret2); // -1850317539
boolean isEnumConstant ()
Returns true if this field represents an element of an enumerated class; returns false otherwise.
enum Foo {
class Bar {
int num;
final var e1 = Foo.class.getDeclaredField("E1");
System.out.println(e1.isEnumConstant()); // true
final var num = Bar.class.getDeclaredField("num");
System.out.println(num.isEnumConstant()); // false
boolean isSynthetic ()
Returns true if this field is a synthetic field; returns false otherwise.
class Foo {
int num;
final var field = Foo.class.getDeclaredField("num");
System.out.println(field.isSynthetic()); // false
void set (Object obj, Object value)
Sets the field represented by this Field object on the specified object argument to the specified new value.
public class SetTest {
public int num1 = 100;
public String str1 = "abcd";
public static int num2 = 999;
private String str2 = "XYZ";
final var cls = SetTest.class;
final var obj = new SetTest();
final var field = cls.getDeclaredField("num1");
System.out.println(field); // public int SetTest.num1
System.out.println(field.getInt(obj)); // 100
field.set(obj, 456);
System.out.println(field.getInt(obj)); // 456
final var cls = SetTest.class;
final var obj = new SetTest();
final var field = cls.getDeclaredField("str1");
System.out.println(field); // public java.lang.String SetTest.str1
System.out.println(field.get(obj)); // abcd
field.set(obj, "defg");
System.out.println(field.get(obj)); // defg
final var cls = SetTest.class;
final var field = cls.getDeclaredField("num2");
System.out.println(field); // public static int SetTest.num2
System.out.println(field.getInt(null)); // 999
field.set(null, 1000);
System.out.println(field.getInt(null)); // 1000
final var cls = SetTest.class;
final var obj = new SetTest();
final var field = cls.getDeclaredField("str2");
System.out.println(field); // private java.lang.String SetTest.str2
System.out.println(field.canAccess(obj)); // false
//field.set(obj, "AAA"); // IllegalAccessException
System.out.println(field.trySetAccessible()); // true
System.out.println(field.canAccess(obj)); // true
System.out.println(field.get(obj)); // XYZ
field.set(obj, "AAA");
System.out.println(field.get(obj)); // AAA
void setAccessible (boolean flag)
Set the accessible flag for this reflected object to the indicated boolean value.
public class AccessTest {
private int num = 100;
final var field = AccessTest.class.getDeclaredField("num");
final var obj = new AccessTest();
System.out.println(field.canAccess(obj)); // false
System.out.println(field.canAccess(obj)); // true
System.out.println(field.canAccess(obj)); // false
void setBoolean (Object obj, boolean z)
Sets the value of a field as a boolean on the specified object.
Please see also : set(Object obj, Object value)
public class Foo {
public boolean value = true;
public String str = "abcd";
final var cls = Foo.class;
final var obj = new Foo();
final var field = cls.getDeclaredField("value");
System.out.println(field); // public boolean Foo.value
System.out.println(field.getBoolean(obj)); // true
field.setBoolean(obj, false);
System.out.println(field.getBoolean(obj)); // false
final var field = cls.getDeclaredField("str");
System.out.println(field); // public java.lang.String Foo.str
try {
field.setBoolean(obj, false);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// Result
// ↓
// Can not set java.lang.String field Foo.str to (boolean)false
void setByte (Object obj, byte b)
Sets the value of a field as a byte on the specified object.
This method is equivalent except a type to setInt(Object obj, int i).
void setChar (Object obj, char c)
Sets the value of a field as a char on the specified object.
Please see also : set(Object obj, Object value)
public class Foo {
public char value = 'a';
public String str = "abcd";
final var cls = Foo.class;
final var obj = new Foo();
final var field = cls.getDeclaredField("value");
System.out.println(field); // public char Foo.value
System.out.println(field.getChar(obj)); // a
field.setChar(obj, 'b');
System.out.println(field.getChar(obj)); // b
final var field = cls.getDeclaredField("str");
System.out.println(field); // public java.lang.String Foo.str
try {
field.setChar(obj, 'b');
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// Result
// ↓
// Can not set java.lang.String field Foo.str to (char)b
void setDouble (Object obj, double d)
Sets the value of a field as a double on the specified object.
Please see also : set(Object obj, Object value)
public class Foo {
public double value = 1.23;
public String str = "abcd";
final var cls = Foo.class;
final var obj = new Foo();
final var field = cls.getDeclaredField("value");
System.out.println(field); // public double Foo.value
System.out.println(field.getDouble(obj)); // 1.23
field.setDouble(obj, 4.56);
System.out.println(field.getDouble(obj)); // 4.56
final var field = cls.getDeclaredField("str");
System.out.println(field); // public java.lang.String Foo.str
try {
field.setDouble(obj, 4.56);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// Result
// ↓
// Can not set java.lang.String field Foo.str to (double)4.56
void setFloat (Object obj, float f)
Sets the value of a field as a float on the specified object.
This method is equivalent except a type to setDouble(Object obj, double d).
void setInt (Object obj, int i)
Sets the value of a field as an int on the specified object.
Please see also : set(Object obj, Object value)
public class Foo {
public int value = 123;
public String str = "abcd";
final var cls = Foo.class;
final var obj = new Foo();
final var field = cls.getDeclaredField("value");
System.out.println(field); // public int Foo.value
System.out.println(field.getInt(obj)); // 123
field.setInt(obj, 456);
System.out.println(field.getInt(obj)); // 456
final var field = cls.getDeclaredField("str");
System.out.println(field); // public java.lang.String Foo.str
try {
field.setInt(obj, 456);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// Result
// ↓
// Can not set java.lang.String field Foo.str to (int)456
void setLong (Object obj, long l)
Sets the value of a field as a long on the specified object.
This method is equivalent except a type to setInt(Object obj, int i).
void setShort (Object obj, short s)
Sets the value of a field as a short on the specified object.
This method is equivalent except a type to setInt(Object obj, int i).
String toGenericString ()
Returns a string describing this Field, including its generic type.
public class Foo<T> {
public T value;
public int num;
final var foo = new Foo<String>();
final var field = foo.getClass().getDeclaredField("value");
final var ret1 = field.toGenericString();
System.out.println(ret1); // public T Foo.value
final var ret2 = field.toString();
System.out.println(ret2); // public java.lang.Object Foo.value
final var field = Foo.class.getDeclaredField("num");
final var ret1 = field.toGenericString();
System.out.println(ret1); // public int Foo.num
final var ret2 = field.toString();
System.out.println(ret2); // public int Foo.num
String toString ()
Returns a string describing this Field.
Please see toGenericString().
Methods declared in AccessibleObject
canAccess, getAnnotations, getDeclaredAnnotation, getDeclaredAnnotations, getDeclaredAnnotationsByType, isAccessible, isAnnotationPresent, setAccessible, trySetAccessible
Please see the link below.