Java : FileLock con ejemplos
FileLock (Java SE 22 & JDK 22) en Java con ejemplos.
Encontrará ejemplos de código en la mayoría de los métodos de FileLock.
Nota :
- Este artículo puede utilizar software de traducción para su comodidad. Consulte también la versión original en inglés.
Un token que representa un bloqueo en una región de un archivo. (Traducción automática)
Note :
- This file-locking API is platform dependent. Please check the API specification for details.
- The code examples in this article are running on Windows 10.
An example with the FileChannel.lock method.
public class Child {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
final var pid = ProcessHandle.current().pid();
System.out.println(" child : start (pid=" + pid + ")");
final var file = Path.of("lock.txt");
try (final var fc =
file, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE)) {
System.out.println(" child : lock start (pid=" + pid + ")");
try (final var _ = fc.lock()) {
System.out.println(" child : *** lock OK! *** (pid=" + pid + ")");
System.out.println(" child : sleep 5 seconds ... (pid=" + pid + ")");
System.out.println(" child : lock end (pid=" + pid + ")");
System.out.println(" child : end (pid=" + pid + ")");
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
System.out.println("main : start");
// Starts two processes.
final var builder = new ProcessBuilder("java", "Child").inheritIO();
final var p1 = builder.start();
final var p2 = builder.start();
System.out.println("main : end");
// Result
// ↓
//> java Main
//main : start
// child : start (pid=2636)
// child : start (pid=10564)
// child : lock start (pid=2636)
// child : lock start (pid=10564)
// child : *** lock OK! *** (pid=2636)
// child : sleep 5 seconds ... (pid=2636)
// child : lock end (pid=2636)
// child : end (pid=2636)
// child : *** lock OK! *** (pid=10564)
// child : sleep 5 seconds ... (pid=10564)
// child : lock end (pid=10564)
// child : end (pid=10564)
//main : end
An example with the FileChannel.tryLock method.
public class Child {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
final var pid = ProcessHandle.current().pid();
System.out.println(" child : start (pid=" + pid + ")");
final var file = Path.of("lock.txt");
try (final var fc =
file, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE)) {
System.out.println(" child : lock start (pid=" + pid + ")");
while (true) {
try (final var lock = fc.tryLock()) {
if (lock != null) {
System.out.println(" child : *** lock OK! *** (pid=" + pid + ")");
System.out.println(" child : sleep 5 seconds ... (pid=" + pid + ")");
} else {
System.out.println(" child : *** lock NG! *** (pid=" + pid + ")");
System.out.println(" child : sleep 1 second ... (pid=" + pid + ")");
System.out.println(" child : lock end (pid=" + pid + ")");
System.out.println(" child : end (pid=" + pid + ")");
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
System.out.println("main : start");
// Starts two processes.
final var builder = new ProcessBuilder("java", "Child").inheritIO();
final var p1 = builder.start();
final var p2 = builder.start();
System.out.println("main : end");
// Result
// ↓
//> java Main
//main : start
// child : start (pid=4392)
// child : start (pid=748)
// child : lock start (pid=4392)
// child : *** lock OK! *** (pid=4392)
// child : sleep 5 seconds ... (pid=4392)
// child : lock start (pid=748)
// child : *** lock NG! *** (pid=748)
// child : sleep 1 second ... (pid=748)
// child : *** lock NG! *** (pid=748)
// child : sleep 1 second ... (pid=748)
// child : *** lock NG! *** (pid=748)
// child : sleep 1 second ... (pid=748)
// child : *** lock NG! *** (pid=748)
// child : sleep 1 second ... (pid=748)
// child : *** lock NG! *** (pid=748)
// child : sleep 1 second ... (pid=748)
// child : lock end (pid=4392)
// child : end (pid=4392)
// child : *** lock OK! *** (pid=748)
// child : sleep 5 seconds ... (pid=748)
// child : lock end (pid=748)
// child : end (pid=748)
//main : end
FileLock (AsynchronousFileChannel channel, long position, long size, boolean shared)
Inicializa una nueva instancia de esta clase. (Traducción automática)
protected. I think it's rare to create a subclass of this class. Therefore, the code example is omitted.
FileLock (FileChannel channel, long position, long size, boolean shared)
Inicializa una nueva instancia de esta clase. (Traducción automática)
protected. I think it's rare to create a subclass of this class. Therefore, the code example is omitted.
Channel acquiredBy ()
Devuelve el canal en cuyo archivo se adquirió este bloqueo. (Traducción automática)
final var file = Path.of("R:", "java-work", "lock.txt");
try (final var fc =
file, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE)) {
try (final var lock = fc.lock()) {
final var ret = lock.acquiredBy();
System.out.println(fc == ret); // true
final FileChannel channel ()
Devuelve el canal de archivo en cuyo archivo se adquirió este bloqueo. (Traducción automática)
final var file = Path.of("R:", "java-work", "lock.txt");
try (final var fc =
file, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE)) {
try (final var lock = fc.lock()) {
final var ret =;
System.out.println(fc == ret); // true
final void close ()
Este método invoca el método release(). (Traducción automática)
final var file = Path.of("R:", "java-work", "lock.txt");
try (final var fc =
file, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE)) {
try (final var lock = fc.lock()) {
System.out.println(lock.isValid()); // true
// An example without a try-with-resources statement.
final var file = Path.of("R:", "java-work", "lock.txt");
try (final var fc =
file, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE)) {
final var lock = fc.lock();
try {
System.out.println(lock.isValid()); // true
} finally {
System.out.println(lock.isValid()); // false
abstract boolean isValid ()
Indica si este bloqueo es válido o no. (Traducción automática)
final var file = Path.of("R:", "java-work", "lock.txt");
try (final var fc =
file, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE)) {
try (final var lock = fc.lock()) {
System.out.println(lock.isValid()); // true
// An example without a try-with-resources statement.
final var file = Path.of("R:", "java-work", "lock.txt");
try (final var fc =
file, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE)) {
final var lock = fc.lock();
try {
System.out.println(lock.isValid()); // true
} finally {
System.out.println(lock.isValid()); // false
final boolean overlaps (long position, long size)
Indica si este bloqueo se superpone o no al rango de bloqueo dado. (Traducción automática)
final var file = Path.of("R:", "java-work", "lock.txt");
try (final var fc =
file, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE)) {
try (final var lock = fc.lock(100, 200, false)) {
System.out.println(lock.position()); // 100
System.out.println(lock.size()); // 200
System.out.println(lock.overlaps(0, 99)); // false
System.out.println(lock.overlaps(0, 100)); // false
System.out.println(lock.overlaps(0, 101)); // true
System.out.println(lock.overlaps(99, 1)); // false
System.out.println(lock.overlaps(100, 1)); // true
System.out.println(lock.overlaps(101, 1)); // true
System.out.println(lock.overlaps(299, 1)); // true
System.out.println(lock.overlaps(300, 1)); // false
System.out.println(lock.overlaps(301, 1)); // false
System.out.println(lock.overlaps(0, Long.MAX_VALUE)); // true
final long position ()
Devuelve la posición dentro del archivo del primer byte de la región bloqueada. (Traducción automática)
public class Child {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
if (args.length != 3) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
final var type = args[0];
final var position = Long.parseLong(args[1]);
final var size = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
println(type, "start");
final var file = Path.of("lock.txt");
try (final var fc =,
StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE, StandardOpenOption.READ)) {
println(type, "tryLock position = %d size = %d".formatted(position, size));
try (final var lock = fc.tryLock(position, size, false)) {
if (lock != null) {
println(type, " *** lock OK! ***");
println(type, " position = " + lock.position());
println(type, " size = " + lock.size());
final var buff = ByteBuffer.allocate(size);;
println(type, " read = " + Arrays.toString(buff.array()));
} else {
println(type, " *** lock NG! ***");
println(type, "end");
private static void println(String type, String text) {
System.out.printf(" child %s : %s%n", type, text);
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
if (args.length != 4) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
System.out.println("main : start");
final var positionA = args[0];
final var sizeA = args[1];
final var positionB = args[2];
final var sizeB = args[3];
System.out.println("main : child A position = " + positionA + " size = " + sizeA);
System.out.println("main : child B position = " + positionB + " size = " + sizeB);
// Writes 7 bytes of data.
final var file = Path.of("lock.txt");
final byte[] bytes = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70};
Files.write(file, bytes);
// Starts two processes.
final var b1 = new ProcessBuilder("java", "Child", "A", positionA, sizeA).inheritIO();
final var b2 = new ProcessBuilder("java", "Child", "B", positionB, sizeB).inheritIO();
final var p1 = b1.start();
final var p2 = b2.start();
System.out.println("main : end");
// Result
// ↓
//> java Main 0 7 0 7
//main : start
//main : child A position = 0 size = 7
//main : child B position = 0 size = 7
// child A : start
// child B : start
// child A : tryLock position = 0 size = 7
// child A : *** lock OK! ***
// child A : position = 0
// child A : size = 7
// child A : read = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70]
// child B : tryLock position = 0 size = 7
// child B : *** lock NG! ***
// child B : end
// child A : end
//main : end
//> java Main 0 3 3 4
//main : start
//main : child A position = 0 size = 3
//main : child B position = 3 size = 4
// child A : start
// child B : start
// child A : tryLock position = 0 size = 3
// child A : *** lock OK! ***
// child A : position = 0
// child A : size = 3
// child A : read = [10, 20, 30]
// child B : tryLock position = 3 size = 4
// child B : *** lock OK! ***
// child B : position = 3
// child B : size = 4
// child B : read = [40, 50, 60, 70]
// child A : end
// child B : end
//main : end
abstract void release ()
Libera este bloqueo. (Traducción automática)
Please see also : close()
final var file = Path.of("R:", "java-work", "lock.txt");
try (final var fc =
file, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE)) {
final var lock = fc.lock();
try {
System.out.println(lock.isValid()); // true
} finally {
System.out.println(lock.isValid()); // false
final long size ()
Devuelve el tamaño de la región bloqueada en bytes. (Traducción automática)
public class Child {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
if (args.length != 3) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
final var type = args[0];
final var position = Long.parseLong(args[1]);
final var size = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
println(type, "start");
final var file = Path.of("lock.txt");
try (final var fc =,
StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE, StandardOpenOption.READ)) {
println(type, "tryLock position = %d size = %d".formatted(position, size));
try (final var lock = fc.tryLock(position, size, false)) {
if (lock != null) {
println(type, " *** lock OK! ***");
println(type, " position = " + lock.position());
println(type, " size = " + lock.size());
final var buff = ByteBuffer.allocate(size);;
println(type, " read = " + Arrays.toString(buff.array()));
} else {
println(type, " *** lock NG! ***");
println(type, "end");
private static void println(String type, String text) {
System.out.printf(" child %s : %s%n", type, text);
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
if (args.length != 4) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
System.out.println("main : start");
final var positionA = args[0];
final var sizeA = args[1];
final var positionB = args[2];
final var sizeB = args[3];
System.out.println("main : child A position = " + positionA + " size = " + sizeA);
System.out.println("main : child B position = " + positionB + " size = " + sizeB);
// Writes 7 bytes of data.
final var file = Path.of("lock.txt");
final byte[] bytes = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70};
Files.write(file, bytes);
// Starts two processes.
final var b1 = new ProcessBuilder("java", "Child", "A", positionA, sizeA).inheritIO();
final var b2 = new ProcessBuilder("java", "Child", "B", positionB, sizeB).inheritIO();
final var p1 = b1.start();
final var p2 = b2.start();
System.out.println("main : end");
// Result
// ↓
//> java Main 0 7 0 7
//main : start
//main : child A position = 0 size = 7
//main : child B position = 0 size = 7
// child A : start
// child B : start
// child A : tryLock position = 0 size = 7
// child A : *** lock OK! ***
// child A : position = 0
// child A : size = 7
// child A : read = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70]
// child B : tryLock position = 0 size = 7
// child B : *** lock NG! ***
// child B : end
// child A : end
//main : end
//> java Main 0 3 3 4
//main : start
//main : child A position = 0 size = 3
//main : child B position = 3 size = 4
// child A : start
// child B : start
// child A : tryLock position = 0 size = 3
// child A : *** lock OK! ***
// child A : position = 0
// child A : size = 3
// child A : read = [10, 20, 30]
// child B : tryLock position = 3 size = 4
// child B : *** lock OK! ***
// child B : position = 3
// child B : size = 4
// child B : read = [40, 50, 60, 70]
// child A : end
// child B : end
//main : end
final String toString ()
Devuelve una cadena que describe el rango, el tipo y la validez de este bloqueo. (Traducción automática)
final var file = Path.of("R:", "java-work", "lock.txt");
try (final var fc =, StandardOpenOption.CREATE,
StandardOpenOption.WRITE, StandardOpenOption.READ)) {
try (final var lock = fc.lock()) {
final var str = lock.toString();
//[0:9223372036854775807 exclusive valid]
try (final var lock = fc.lock(100, 200, true)) {
final var str = lock.toString();
//[100:200 shared valid]