Java : FileLock with Examples
FileLock (Java SE 22 & JDK 22) with Examples.
You will find code examples on most FileLock methods.
A token representing a lock on a region of a file.
Note :
- This file-locking API is platform dependent. Please check the API specification for details.
- The code examples in this article are running on Windows 10.
An example with the FileChannel.lock method.
public class Child {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
final var pid = ProcessHandle.current().pid();
System.out.println(" child : start (pid=" + pid + ")");
final var file = Path.of("lock.txt");
try (final var fc =
file, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE)) {
System.out.println(" child : lock start (pid=" + pid + ")");
try (final var _ = fc.lock()) {
System.out.println(" child : *** lock OK! *** (pid=" + pid + ")");
System.out.println(" child : sleep 5 seconds ... (pid=" + pid + ")");
System.out.println(" child : lock end (pid=" + pid + ")");
System.out.println(" child : end (pid=" + pid + ")");
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
System.out.println("main : start");
// Starts two processes.
final var builder = new ProcessBuilder("java", "Child").inheritIO();
final var p1 = builder.start();
final var p2 = builder.start();
System.out.println("main : end");
// Result
// ↓
//> java Main
//main : start
// child : start (pid=2636)
// child : start (pid=10564)
// child : lock start (pid=2636)
// child : lock start (pid=10564)
// child : *** lock OK! *** (pid=2636)
// child : sleep 5 seconds ... (pid=2636)
// child : lock end (pid=2636)
// child : end (pid=2636)
// child : *** lock OK! *** (pid=10564)
// child : sleep 5 seconds ... (pid=10564)
// child : lock end (pid=10564)
// child : end (pid=10564)
//main : end
An example with the FileChannel.tryLock method.
public class Child {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
final var pid = ProcessHandle.current().pid();
System.out.println(" child : start (pid=" + pid + ")");
final var file = Path.of("lock.txt");
try (final var fc =
file, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE)) {
System.out.println(" child : lock start (pid=" + pid + ")");
while (true) {
try (final var lock = fc.tryLock()) {
if (lock != null) {
System.out.println(" child : *** lock OK! *** (pid=" + pid + ")");
System.out.println(" child : sleep 5 seconds ... (pid=" + pid + ")");
} else {
System.out.println(" child : *** lock NG! *** (pid=" + pid + ")");
System.out.println(" child : sleep 1 second ... (pid=" + pid + ")");
System.out.println(" child : lock end (pid=" + pid + ")");
System.out.println(" child : end (pid=" + pid + ")");
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
System.out.println("main : start");
// Starts two processes.
final var builder = new ProcessBuilder("java", "Child").inheritIO();
final var p1 = builder.start();
final var p2 = builder.start();
System.out.println("main : end");
// Result
// ↓
//> java Main
//main : start
// child : start (pid=4392)
// child : start (pid=748)
// child : lock start (pid=4392)
// child : *** lock OK! *** (pid=4392)
// child : sleep 5 seconds ... (pid=4392)
// child : lock start (pid=748)
// child : *** lock NG! *** (pid=748)
// child : sleep 1 second ... (pid=748)
// child : *** lock NG! *** (pid=748)
// child : sleep 1 second ... (pid=748)
// child : *** lock NG! *** (pid=748)
// child : sleep 1 second ... (pid=748)
// child : *** lock NG! *** (pid=748)
// child : sleep 1 second ... (pid=748)
// child : *** lock NG! *** (pid=748)
// child : sleep 1 second ... (pid=748)
// child : lock end (pid=4392)
// child : end (pid=4392)
// child : *** lock OK! *** (pid=748)
// child : sleep 5 seconds ... (pid=748)
// child : lock end (pid=748)
// child : end (pid=748)
//main : end
FileLock (AsynchronousFileChannel channel, long position, long size, boolean shared)
Initializes a new instance of this class.
protected. I think it's rare to create a subclass of this class. Therefore, the code example is omitted.
FileLock (FileChannel channel, long position, long size, boolean shared)
Initializes a new instance of this class.
protected. I think it's rare to create a subclass of this class. Therefore, the code example is omitted.
Channel acquiredBy ()
Returns the channel upon whose file this lock was acquired.
final var file = Path.of("R:", "java-work", "lock.txt");
try (final var fc =
file, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE)) {
try (final var lock = fc.lock()) {
final var ret = lock.acquiredBy();
System.out.println(fc == ret); // true
final FileChannel channel ()
Returns the file channel upon whose file this lock was acquired.
final var file = Path.of("R:", "java-work", "lock.txt");
try (final var fc =
file, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE)) {
try (final var lock = fc.lock()) {
final var ret =;
System.out.println(fc == ret); // true
final void close ()
This method invokes the release() method.
final var file = Path.of("R:", "java-work", "lock.txt");
try (final var fc =
file, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE)) {
try (final var lock = fc.lock()) {
System.out.println(lock.isValid()); // true
// An example without a try-with-resources statement.
final var file = Path.of("R:", "java-work", "lock.txt");
try (final var fc =
file, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE)) {
final var lock = fc.lock();
try {
System.out.println(lock.isValid()); // true
} finally {
System.out.println(lock.isValid()); // false
abstract boolean isValid ()
Tells whether or not this lock is valid.
final var file = Path.of("R:", "java-work", "lock.txt");
try (final var fc =
file, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE)) {
try (final var lock = fc.lock()) {
System.out.println(lock.isValid()); // true
// An example without a try-with-resources statement.
final var file = Path.of("R:", "java-work", "lock.txt");
try (final var fc =
file, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE)) {
final var lock = fc.lock();
try {
System.out.println(lock.isValid()); // true
} finally {
System.out.println(lock.isValid()); // false
final boolean overlaps (long position, long size)
Tells whether or not this lock overlaps the given lock range.
final var file = Path.of("R:", "java-work", "lock.txt");
try (final var fc =
file, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE)) {
try (final var lock = fc.lock(100, 200, false)) {
System.out.println(lock.position()); // 100
System.out.println(lock.size()); // 200
System.out.println(lock.overlaps(0, 99)); // false
System.out.println(lock.overlaps(0, 100)); // false
System.out.println(lock.overlaps(0, 101)); // true
System.out.println(lock.overlaps(99, 1)); // false
System.out.println(lock.overlaps(100, 1)); // true
System.out.println(lock.overlaps(101, 1)); // true
System.out.println(lock.overlaps(299, 1)); // true
System.out.println(lock.overlaps(300, 1)); // false
System.out.println(lock.overlaps(301, 1)); // false
System.out.println(lock.overlaps(0, Long.MAX_VALUE)); // true
final long position ()
Returns the position within the file of the first byte of the locked region.
public class Child {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
if (args.length != 3) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
final var type = args[0];
final var position = Long.parseLong(args[1]);
final var size = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
println(type, "start");
final var file = Path.of("lock.txt");
try (final var fc =,
StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE, StandardOpenOption.READ)) {
println(type, "tryLock position = %d size = %d".formatted(position, size));
try (final var lock = fc.tryLock(position, size, false)) {
if (lock != null) {
println(type, " *** lock OK! ***");
println(type, " position = " + lock.position());
println(type, " size = " + lock.size());
final var buff = ByteBuffer.allocate(size);;
println(type, " read = " + Arrays.toString(buff.array()));
} else {
println(type, " *** lock NG! ***");
println(type, "end");
private static void println(String type, String text) {
System.out.printf(" child %s : %s%n", type, text);
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
if (args.length != 4) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
System.out.println("main : start");
final var positionA = args[0];
final var sizeA = args[1];
final var positionB = args[2];
final var sizeB = args[3];
System.out.println("main : child A position = " + positionA + " size = " + sizeA);
System.out.println("main : child B position = " + positionB + " size = " + sizeB);
// Writes 7 bytes of data.
final var file = Path.of("lock.txt");
final byte[] bytes = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70};
Files.write(file, bytes);
// Starts two processes.
final var b1 = new ProcessBuilder("java", "Child", "A", positionA, sizeA).inheritIO();
final var b2 = new ProcessBuilder("java", "Child", "B", positionB, sizeB).inheritIO();
final var p1 = b1.start();
final var p2 = b2.start();
System.out.println("main : end");
// Result
// ↓
//> java Main 0 7 0 7
//main : start
//main : child A position = 0 size = 7
//main : child B position = 0 size = 7
// child A : start
// child B : start
// child A : tryLock position = 0 size = 7
// child A : *** lock OK! ***
// child A : position = 0
// child A : size = 7
// child A : read = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70]
// child B : tryLock position = 0 size = 7
// child B : *** lock NG! ***
// child B : end
// child A : end
//main : end
//> java Main 0 3 3 4
//main : start
//main : child A position = 0 size = 3
//main : child B position = 3 size = 4
// child A : start
// child B : start
// child A : tryLock position = 0 size = 3
// child A : *** lock OK! ***
// child A : position = 0
// child A : size = 3
// child A : read = [10, 20, 30]
// child B : tryLock position = 3 size = 4
// child B : *** lock OK! ***
// child B : position = 3
// child B : size = 4
// child B : read = [40, 50, 60, 70]
// child A : end
// child B : end
//main : end
abstract void release ()
Releases this lock.
Please see also : close()
final var file = Path.of("R:", "java-work", "lock.txt");
try (final var fc =
file, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE)) {
final var lock = fc.lock();
try {
System.out.println(lock.isValid()); // true
} finally {
System.out.println(lock.isValid()); // false
final long size ()
Returns the size of the locked region in bytes.
public class Child {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
if (args.length != 3) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
final var type = args[0];
final var position = Long.parseLong(args[1]);
final var size = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
println(type, "start");
final var file = Path.of("lock.txt");
try (final var fc =,
StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE, StandardOpenOption.READ)) {
println(type, "tryLock position = %d size = %d".formatted(position, size));
try (final var lock = fc.tryLock(position, size, false)) {
if (lock != null) {
println(type, " *** lock OK! ***");
println(type, " position = " + lock.position());
println(type, " size = " + lock.size());
final var buff = ByteBuffer.allocate(size);;
println(type, " read = " + Arrays.toString(buff.array()));
} else {
println(type, " *** lock NG! ***");
println(type, "end");
private static void println(String type, String text) {
System.out.printf(" child %s : %s%n", type, text);
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
if (args.length != 4) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
System.out.println("main : start");
final var positionA = args[0];
final var sizeA = args[1];
final var positionB = args[2];
final var sizeB = args[3];
System.out.println("main : child A position = " + positionA + " size = " + sizeA);
System.out.println("main : child B position = " + positionB + " size = " + sizeB);
// Writes 7 bytes of data.
final var file = Path.of("lock.txt");
final byte[] bytes = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70};
Files.write(file, bytes);
// Starts two processes.
final var b1 = new ProcessBuilder("java", "Child", "A", positionA, sizeA).inheritIO();
final var b2 = new ProcessBuilder("java", "Child", "B", positionB, sizeB).inheritIO();
final var p1 = b1.start();
final var p2 = b2.start();
System.out.println("main : end");
// Result
// ↓
//> java Main 0 7 0 7
//main : start
//main : child A position = 0 size = 7
//main : child B position = 0 size = 7
// child A : start
// child B : start
// child A : tryLock position = 0 size = 7
// child A : *** lock OK! ***
// child A : position = 0
// child A : size = 7
// child A : read = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70]
// child B : tryLock position = 0 size = 7
// child B : *** lock NG! ***
// child B : end
// child A : end
//main : end
//> java Main 0 3 3 4
//main : start
//main : child A position = 0 size = 3
//main : child B position = 3 size = 4
// child A : start
// child B : start
// child A : tryLock position = 0 size = 3
// child A : *** lock OK! ***
// child A : position = 0
// child A : size = 3
// child A : read = [10, 20, 30]
// child B : tryLock position = 3 size = 4
// child B : *** lock OK! ***
// child B : position = 3
// child B : size = 4
// child B : read = [40, 50, 60, 70]
// child A : end
// child B : end
//main : end
final String toString ()
Returns a string describing the range, type, and validity of this lock.
final var file = Path.of("R:", "java-work", "lock.txt");
try (final var fc =, StandardOpenOption.CREATE,
StandardOpenOption.WRITE, StandardOpenOption.READ)) {
try (final var lock = fc.lock()) {
final var str = lock.toString();
//[0:9223372036854775807 exclusive valid]
try (final var lock = fc.lock(100, 200, true)) {
final var str = lock.toString();
//[100:200 shared valid]