Java : YearMonth with Examples
YearMonth (Java SE 21 & JDK 21) with Examples.
You will find code examples on most YearMonth methods.
A year-month in the ISO-8601 calendar system, such as 2007-12.
final var yearMonth = YearMonth.of(2100, Month.AUGUST);
System.out.println(yearMonth); // 2100-08
System.out.println(yearMonth.getYear()); // 2100
System.out.println(yearMonth.getMonth()); // AUGUST
System.out.println(yearMonth.getMonthValue()); // 8
Temporal adjustInto (Temporal temporal)
Adjusts the specified temporal object to have this year-month.
final var yearMonth = YearMonth.of(1999, Month.DECEMBER);
System.out.println(yearMonth); // 1999-12
final var date = LocalDate.of(2100, 2, 3);
System.out.println(date); // 2100-02-03
final var ret = yearMonth.adjustInto(date);
System.out.println(ret); // 1999-12-03
LocalDate atDay (int dayOfMonth)
Combines this year-month with a day-of-month to create a LocalDate.
final var yearMonth = YearMonth.of(2100, Month.JANUARY);
System.out.println(yearMonth); // 2100-01
System.out.println(yearMonth.atDay(2)); // 2100-01-02
System.out.println(yearMonth.atDay(3)); // 2100-01-03
System.out.println(yearMonth.atDay(31)); // 2100-01-31
try {
final var ret = yearMonth.atDay(32);
} catch (DateTimeException e) {
System.out.println("DateTimeException! : " + e.getMessage());
// Result
// ↓
//DateTimeException! : Invalid value for DayOfMonth (valid values 1 - 28/31): 32
LocalDate atEndOfMonth ()
Returns a LocalDate at the end of the month.
final var yearMonth = YearMonth.of(2103, Month.JANUARY);
System.out.println(yearMonth); // 2103-01
System.out.println(yearMonth.atEndOfMonth()); // 2103-01-31
System.out.println(yearMonth.lengthOfMonth()); // 31
final var yearMonth = YearMonth.of(2103, Month.FEBRUARY);
System.out.println(yearMonth); // 2103-02
System.out.println(yearMonth.isLeapYear()); // false
System.out.println(yearMonth.atEndOfMonth()); // 2103-02-28
System.out.println(yearMonth.lengthOfMonth()); // 28
final var yearMonth = YearMonth.of(2104, Month.FEBRUARY);
System.out.println(yearMonth); // 2104-02
System.out.println(yearMonth.isLeapYear()); // true
System.out.println(yearMonth.atEndOfMonth()); // 2104-02-29
System.out.println(yearMonth.lengthOfMonth()); // 29
int compareTo (YearMonth other)
Compares this year-month to another year-month.
final var yearMonth1 = YearMonth.of(2100, Month.JANUARY);
final var yearMonth2 = YearMonth.of(2100, Month.JANUARY);
System.out.println(yearMonth1); // 2100-01
System.out.println(yearMonth2); // 2100-01
System.out.println(yearMonth1.compareTo(yearMonth2)); // 0
System.out.println(yearMonth2.compareTo(yearMonth1)); // 0
final var yearMonth1 = YearMonth.of(1999, Month.MAY);
final var yearMonth2 = YearMonth.of(2100, Month.MAY);
System.out.println(yearMonth1); // 1999-05
System.out.println(yearMonth2); // 2100-05
System.out.println(yearMonth1.compareTo(yearMonth2)); // -101
System.out.println(yearMonth2.compareTo(yearMonth1)); // 101
final var yearMonth1 = YearMonth.of(2100, Month.DECEMBER);
final var yearMonth2 = YearMonth.of(2100, Month.APRIL);
System.out.println(yearMonth1); // 2100-12
System.out.println(yearMonth2); // 2100-04
System.out.println(yearMonth1.compareTo(yearMonth2)); // 8
System.out.println(yearMonth2.compareTo(yearMonth1)); // -8
boolean equals (Object obj)
Checks if this year-month is equal to another year-month.
final var yearMonth1 = YearMonth.of(2100, Month.JANUARY);
final var yearMonth2 = YearMonth.of(2100, Month.JANUARY);
System.out.println(yearMonth1); // 2100-01
System.out.println(yearMonth2); // 2100-01
System.out.println(yearMonth1.equals(yearMonth2)); // true
System.out.println(yearMonth2.equals(yearMonth1)); // true
final var yearMonth1 = YearMonth.of(1999, Month.MAY);
final var yearMonth2 = YearMonth.of(2100, Month.MAY);
System.out.println(yearMonth1); // 1999-05
System.out.println(yearMonth2); // 2100-05
System.out.println(yearMonth1.equals(yearMonth2)); // false
System.out.println(yearMonth2.equals(yearMonth1)); // false
final var yearMonth1 = YearMonth.of(2100, Month.DECEMBER);
final var yearMonth2 = YearMonth.of(2100, Month.APRIL);
System.out.println(yearMonth1); // 2100-12
System.out.println(yearMonth2); // 2100-04
System.out.println(yearMonth1.equals(yearMonth2)); // false
System.out.println(yearMonth2.equals(yearMonth1)); // false
String format (DateTimeFormatter formatter)
Formats this year-month using the specified formatter.
final var yearMonth = YearMonth.of(2099, Month.JANUARY);
System.out.println(yearMonth); // 2099-01
final var ret1 = yearMonth.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM"));
System.out.println(ret1); // 2099-01
final var ret2 = yearMonth.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yy-M"));
System.out.println(ret2); // 99-1
static YearMonth from (TemporalAccessor temporal)
Obtains an instance of YearMonth from a temporal object.
final var date = LocalDate.of(2100, 2, 3);
System.out.println(date); // 2100-02-03
final var ret = YearMonth.from(date);
System.out.println(ret); // 2100-02
final var dateTime = LocalDateTime.of(1999, 1, 1, 12, 30);
System.out.println(dateTime); // 1999-01-01T12:30
final var ret = YearMonth.from(dateTime);
System.out.println(ret); // 1999-01
int get (TemporalField field)
Gets the value of the specified field from this year-month as an int.
final var yearMonth = YearMonth.of(2100, Month.AUGUST);
System.out.println(yearMonth); // 2100-08
System.out.println(yearMonth.get(ChronoField.YEAR)); // 2100
System.out.println(yearMonth.get(ChronoField.MONTH_OF_YEAR)); // 8
System.out.println(yearMonth.get(ChronoField.ERA)); // 1
final var yearMonth = YearMonth.of(-100, Month.DECEMBER);
System.out.println(yearMonth); // -0100-12
System.out.println(yearMonth.get(ChronoField.YEAR)); // -100
System.out.println(yearMonth.get(ChronoField.MONTH_OF_YEAR)); // 12
System.out.println(yearMonth.get(ChronoField.ERA)); // 0
long getLong (TemporalField field)
Gets the value of the specified field from this year-month as a long.
final var yearMonth = YearMonth.of(2100, Month.AUGUST);
System.out.println(yearMonth); // 2100-08
System.out.println(yearMonth.getLong(ChronoField.YEAR)); // 2100
System.out.println(yearMonth.getLong(ChronoField.MONTH_OF_YEAR)); // 8
System.out.println(yearMonth.getLong(ChronoField.ERA)); // 1
final var yearMonth = YearMonth.of(-100, Month.DECEMBER);
System.out.println(yearMonth); // -0100-12
System.out.println(yearMonth.getLong(ChronoField.YEAR)); // -100
System.out.println(yearMonth.getLong(ChronoField.MONTH_OF_YEAR)); // 12
System.out.println(yearMonth.getLong(ChronoField.ERA)); // 0
Month getMonth ()
Gets the month-of-year field using the Month enum.
final var yearMonth = YearMonth.of(2100, Month.AUGUST);
System.out.println(yearMonth); // 2100-08
System.out.println(yearMonth.getYear()); // 2100
System.out.println(yearMonth.getMonth()); // AUGUST
System.out.println(yearMonth.getMonthValue()); // 8
int getMonthValue ()
Gets the month-of-year field from 1 to 12.
final var yearMonth = YearMonth.of(2100, Month.AUGUST);
System.out.println(yearMonth); // 2100-08
System.out.println(yearMonth.getYear()); // 2100
System.out.println(yearMonth.getMonth()); // AUGUST
System.out.println(yearMonth.getMonthValue()); // 8
int getYear ()
Gets the year field.
final var yearMonth = YearMonth.of(2100, Month.AUGUST);
System.out.println(yearMonth); // 2100-08
System.out.println(yearMonth.getYear()); // 2100
System.out.println(yearMonth.getMonth()); // AUGUST
System.out.println(yearMonth.getMonthValue()); // 8
int hashCode ()
A hash code for this year-month.
final var yearMonth = YearMonth.of(2100, Month.JANUARY);
System.out.println(yearMonth); // 2100-01
System.out.println(yearMonth.hashCode()); // 134219828
final var yearMonth = YearMonth.of(-100, Month.AUGUST);
System.out.println(yearMonth); // -0100-08
System.out.println(yearMonth.hashCode()); // -1073741924
boolean isAfter (YearMonth other)
Checks if this year-month is after the specified year-month.
final var yearMonth = YearMonth.of(2100, Month.JANUARY);
System.out.println(yearMonth); // 2100-01
final var yearMonth2 = YearMonth.of(2099, Month.DECEMBER);
final var yearMonth3 = YearMonth.of(2100, Month.JANUARY);
final var yearMonth4 = YearMonth.of(2100, Month.FEBRUARY);
System.out.println(yearMonth2); // 2099-12
System.out.println(yearMonth3); // 2100-01
System.out.println(yearMonth4); // 2100-02
System.out.println(yearMonth.isAfter(yearMonth2)); // true
System.out.println(yearMonth.isAfter(yearMonth3)); // false
System.out.println(yearMonth.isAfter(yearMonth4)); // false
boolean isBefore (YearMonth other)
Checks if this year-month is before the specified year-month.
final var yearMonth = YearMonth.of(2100, Month.JANUARY);
System.out.println(yearMonth); // 2100-01
final var yearMonth2 = YearMonth.of(2099, Month.DECEMBER);
final var yearMonth3 = YearMonth.of(2100, Month.JANUARY);
final var yearMonth4 = YearMonth.of(2100, Month.FEBRUARY);
System.out.println(yearMonth2); // 2099-12
System.out.println(yearMonth3); // 2100-01
System.out.println(yearMonth4); // 2100-02
System.out.println(yearMonth.isBefore(yearMonth2)); // false
System.out.println(yearMonth.isBefore(yearMonth3)); // false
System.out.println(yearMonth.isBefore(yearMonth4)); // true
boolean isLeapYear ()
Checks if the year is a leap year, according to the ISO proleptic calendar system rules.
final var yearMonth = YearMonth.of(2103, Month.FEBRUARY);
System.out.println(yearMonth); // 2103-02
System.out.println(yearMonth.isLeapYear()); // false
System.out.println(yearMonth.atEndOfMonth()); // 2103-02-28
System.out.println(yearMonth.lengthOfYear()); // 365
final var yearMonth = YearMonth.of(2104, Month.FEBRUARY);
System.out.println(yearMonth); // 2104-02
System.out.println(yearMonth.isLeapYear()); // true
System.out.println(yearMonth.atEndOfMonth()); // 2104-02-29
System.out.println(yearMonth.lengthOfYear()); // 366
boolean isSupported (TemporalField field)
Checks if the specified field is supported.
final var yearMonth = YearMonth.of(2100, Month.JANUARY);
System.out.println(yearMonth); // 2100-01
System.out.println(yearMonth.isSupported(ChronoField.YEAR)); // true
System.out.println(yearMonth.isSupported(ChronoField.YEAR_OF_ERA)); // true
System.out.println(yearMonth.isSupported(ChronoField.ERA)); // true
System.out.println(yearMonth.isSupported(ChronoField.MONTH_OF_YEAR)); // true
System.out.println(yearMonth.isSupported(ChronoField.PROLEPTIC_MONTH)); // true
System.out.println(yearMonth.isSupported(ChronoField.DAY_OF_MONTH)); // false
boolean isSupported (TemporalUnit unit)
Checks if the specified unit is supported.
final var yearMonth = YearMonth.of(2100, Month.JANUARY);
System.out.println(yearMonth); // 2100-01
System.out.println(yearMonth.isSupported(ChronoUnit.YEARS)); // true
System.out.println(yearMonth.isSupported(ChronoUnit.MONTHS)); // true
System.out.println(yearMonth.isSupported(ChronoUnit.DECADES)); // true
System.out.println(yearMonth.isSupported(ChronoUnit.CENTURIES)); // true
System.out.println(yearMonth.isSupported(ChronoUnit.MILLENNIA)); // true
System.out.println(yearMonth.isSupported(ChronoUnit.ERAS)); // true
System.out.println(yearMonth.isSupported(ChronoUnit.DAYS)); // false
boolean isValidDay (int dayOfMonth)
Checks if the day-of-month is valid for this year-month.
final var yearMonth = YearMonth.of(2100, Month.APRIL);
System.out.println(yearMonth); // 2100-04
System.out.println(yearMonth.atEndOfMonth()); // 2100-04-30
System.out.println(yearMonth.isValidDay(1)); // true
System.out.println(yearMonth.isValidDay(15)); // true
System.out.println(yearMonth.isValidDay(30)); // true
System.out.println(yearMonth.isValidDay(31)); // false
int lengthOfMonth ()
Returns the length of the month, taking account of the year.
final var yearMonth = YearMonth.of(2103, Month.JANUARY);
System.out.println(yearMonth); // 2103-01
System.out.println(yearMonth.atEndOfMonth()); // 2103-01-31
System.out.println(yearMonth.lengthOfMonth()); // 31
final var yearMonth = YearMonth.of(2103, Month.FEBRUARY);
System.out.println(yearMonth); // 2103-02
System.out.println(yearMonth.isLeapYear()); // false
System.out.println(yearMonth.atEndOfMonth()); // 2103-02-28
System.out.println(yearMonth.lengthOfMonth()); // 28
final var yearMonth = YearMonth.of(2104, Month.FEBRUARY);
System.out.println(yearMonth); // 2104-02
System.out.println(yearMonth.isLeapYear()); // true
System.out.println(yearMonth.atEndOfMonth()); // 2104-02-29
System.out.println(yearMonth.lengthOfMonth()); // 29
int lengthOfYear ()
Returns the length of the year.
final var yearMonth = YearMonth.of(2103, Month.FEBRUARY);
System.out.println(yearMonth); // 2103-02
System.out.println(yearMonth.isLeapYear()); // false
System.out.println(yearMonth.atEndOfMonth()); // 2103-02-28
System.out.println(yearMonth.lengthOfYear()); // 365
final var yearMonth = YearMonth.of(2104, Month.FEBRUARY);
System.out.println(yearMonth); // 2104-02
System.out.println(yearMonth.isLeapYear()); // true
System.out.println(yearMonth.atEndOfMonth()); // 2104-02-29
System.out.println(yearMonth.lengthOfYear()); // 366
YearMonth minus (long amountToSubtract, TemporalUnit unit)
Returns a copy of this year-month with the specified amount subtracted.
final var yearMonth = YearMonth.of(2100, Month.FEBRUARY);
System.out.println(yearMonth); // 2100-02
final var ret1 = yearMonth.minus(10, ChronoUnit.YEARS);
System.out.println(ret1); // 2090-02
final var ret2 = yearMonth.minus(20, ChronoUnit.YEARS);
System.out.println(ret2); // 2080-02
final var ret3 = yearMonth.minus(1, ChronoUnit.MONTHS);
System.out.println(ret3); // 2100-01
final var ret4 = yearMonth.minus(2, ChronoUnit.MONTHS);
System.out.println(ret4); // 2099-12
YearMonth minus (TemporalAmount amountToSubtract)
Returns a copy of this year-month with the specified amount subtracted.
final var yearMonth = YearMonth.of(2100, Month.FEBRUARY);
System.out.println(yearMonth); // 2100-02
final var ret1 = yearMonth.minus(Period.ofYears(10));
System.out.println(ret1); // 2090-02
final var ret2 = yearMonth.minus(Period.ofYears(20));
System.out.println(ret2); // 2080-02
final var ret3 = yearMonth.minus(Period.ofMonths(1));
System.out.println(ret3); // 2100-01
final var ret4 = yearMonth.minus(Period.ofMonths(2));
System.out.println(ret4); // 2099-12
YearMonth minusMonths (long monthsToSubtract)
Returns a copy of this YearMonth with the specified number of months subtracted.
final var yearMonth = YearMonth.of(2100, Month.FEBRUARY);
System.out.println(yearMonth); // 2100-02
final var ret1 = yearMonth.minusMonths(1);
System.out.println(ret1); // 2100-01
final var ret2 = yearMonth.minusMonths(2);
System.out.println(ret2); // 2099-12
YearMonth minusYears (long yearsToSubtract)
Returns a copy of this YearMonth with the specified number of years subtracted.
final var yearMonth = YearMonth.of(2100, Month.FEBRUARY);
System.out.println(yearMonth); // 2100-02
final var ret1 = yearMonth.minusYears(10);
System.out.println(ret1); // 2090-02
final var ret2 = yearMonth.minusYears(20);
System.out.println(ret2); // 2080-02
static YearMonth now ()
Obtains the current year-month from the system clock in the default time-zone.
final var now =;
System.out.println(now); // 2024-07
static YearMonth now (Clock clock)
Obtains the current year-month from the specified clock.
// A clock advanced 1 year.
final var clock = Clock.offset(Clock.systemDefaultZone(), Duration.ofDays(365));
System.out.println(; // 2024-07
System.out.println(; // 2025-07
static YearMonth now (ZoneId zone)
Obtains the current year-month from the system clock in the specified time-zone.
final var zone = ZoneOffset.UTC;
System.out.println(zone); // Z
final var now =;
System.out.println(now); // 2024-07
static YearMonth of (int year, int month)
Obtains an instance of YearMonth from a year and month.
final var yearMonth = YearMonth.of(2100, 1);
System.out.println(yearMonth.getYear()); // 2100
System.out.println(yearMonth.getMonth()); // JANUARY
System.out.println(yearMonth.getMonthValue()); // 1
final var yearMonth = YearMonth.of(1999, 11);
System.out.println(yearMonth.getYear()); // 1999
System.out.println(yearMonth.getMonth()); // NOVEMBER
System.out.println(yearMonth.getMonthValue()); // 11
static YearMonth of (int year, Month month)
Obtains an instance of YearMonth from a year and month.
final var yearMonth = YearMonth.of(2100, Month.JANUARY);
System.out.println(yearMonth.getYear()); // 2100
System.out.println(yearMonth.getMonth()); // JANUARY
System.out.println(yearMonth.getMonthValue()); // 1
final var yearMonth = YearMonth.of(1999, Month.NOVEMBER);
System.out.println(yearMonth.getYear()); // 1999
System.out.println(yearMonth.getMonth()); // NOVEMBER
System.out.println(yearMonth.getMonthValue()); // 11
static YearMonth parse (CharSequence text)
Obtains an instance of YearMonth from a text string such as 2007-12.
final var yearMonth1 = YearMonth.parse("2100-01");
System.out.println(yearMonth1); // 2100-01
final var yearMonth2 = YearMonth.parse("1999-12");
System.out.println(yearMonth2); // 1999-12
static YearMonth parse (CharSequence text, DateTimeFormatter formatter)
Obtains an instance of YearMonth from a text string using a specific formatter.
final var yearMonth1 = YearMonth.parse(
"2100-01", DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM"));
System.out.println(yearMonth1); // 2100-01
final var yearMonth2 = YearMonth.parse(
"99-5", DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yy-M"));
System.out.println(yearMonth2); // 2099-05
YearMonth plus (long amountToAdd, TemporalUnit unit)
Returns a copy of this year-month with the specified amount added.
final var yearMonth = YearMonth.of(2100, Month.NOVEMBER);
System.out.println(yearMonth); // 2100-11
final var ret1 =, ChronoUnit.YEARS);
System.out.println(ret1); // 2150-11
final var ret2 =, ChronoUnit.YEARS);
System.out.println(ret2); // 2160-11
final var ret3 =, ChronoUnit.MONTHS);
System.out.println(ret3); // 2100-12
final var ret4 =, ChronoUnit.MONTHS);
System.out.println(ret4); // 2101-01
YearMonth plus (TemporalAmount amountToAdd)
Returns a copy of this year-month with the specified amount added.
final var yearMonth = YearMonth.of(2100, Month.NOVEMBER);
System.out.println(yearMonth); // 2100-11
final var ret1 =;
System.out.println(ret1); // 2150-11
final var ret2 =;
System.out.println(ret2); // 2160-11
final var ret3 =;
System.out.println(ret3); // 2100-12
final var ret4 =;
System.out.println(ret4); // 2101-01
YearMonth plusMonths (long monthsToAdd)
Returns a copy of this YearMonth with the specified number of months added.
final var yearMonth = YearMonth.of(2100, Month.NOVEMBER);
System.out.println(yearMonth); // 2100-11
final var ret1 = yearMonth.plusMonths(1);
System.out.println(ret1); // 2100-12
final var ret2 = yearMonth.plusMonths(2);
System.out.println(ret2); // 2101-01
YearMonth plusYears (long yearsToAdd)
Returns a copy of this YearMonth with the specified number of years added.
final var yearMonth = YearMonth.of(2100, Month.NOVEMBER);
System.out.println(yearMonth); // 2100-11
final var ret1 = yearMonth.plusYears(50);
System.out.println(ret1); // 2150-11
final var ret2 = yearMonth.plusYears(60);
System.out.println(ret2); // 2160-11
<R> R query (TemporalQuery<R> query)
Queries this year-month using the specified query.
final var yearMonth = YearMonth.of(2100, Month.JANUARY);
System.out.println(yearMonth); // 2100-01
final var ret = yearMonth.query(TemporalQueries.precision());
System.out.println(ret); // Months
ValueRange range (TemporalField field)
Gets the range of valid values for the specified field.
final var yearMonth = YearMonth.of(2100, Month.JANUARY);
System.out.println(yearMonth); // 2100-01
System.out.println(yearMonth.range(ChronoField.YEAR)); // -999999999 - 999999999
System.out.println(yearMonth.range(ChronoField.MONTH_OF_YEAR)); // 1 - 12
String toString ()
Outputs this year-month as a String, such as 2007-12.
final var yearMonth = YearMonth.of(2100, Month.JANUARY);
final var str = yearMonth.toString();
System.out.println(str); // 2100-01
final var yearMonth = YearMonth.of(1999, Month.OCTOBER);
final var str = yearMonth.toString();
System.out.println(str); // 1999-10
long until (Temporal endExclusive, TemporalUnit unit)
Calculates the amount of time until another year-month in terms of the specified unit.
final var start = YearMonth.of(2100, Month.JANUARY);
System.out.println(start); // 2100-01
final var end = YearMonth.of(2150, Month.JANUARY);
System.out.println(end); // 2150-01
final var ret = start.until(end, ChronoUnit.YEARS);
System.out.println(ret); // 50
final var start = YearMonth.of(2100, Month.JANUARY);
System.out.println(start); // 2100-01
final var end = YearMonth.of(2100, Month.AUGUST);
System.out.println(end); // 2100-08
final var ret = start.until(end, ChronoUnit.MONTHS);
System.out.println(ret); // 7
YearMonth with (TemporalAdjuster adjuster)
Returns an adjusted copy of this year-month.
final var yearMonth = YearMonth.of(2100, Month.JANUARY);
System.out.println(yearMonth); // 2100-01
final var ret1 = yearMonth.with(Year.of(1999));
System.out.println(ret1); // 1999-01
final var ret2 = yearMonth.with(Month.AUGUST);
System.out.println(ret2); // 2100-08
YearMonth with (TemporalField field, long newValue)
Returns a copy of this year-month with the specified field set to a new value.
final var yearMonth = YearMonth.of(2100, Month.JANUARY);
System.out.println(yearMonth); // 2100-01
final var ret1 = yearMonth.with(ChronoField.YEAR, 1999);
System.out.println(ret1); // 1999-01
final var ret2 = yearMonth.with(ChronoField.MONTH_OF_YEAR, 8);
System.out.println(ret2); // 2100-08
YearMonth withMonth (int month)
Returns a copy of this YearMonth with the month-of-year altered.
final var yearMonth = YearMonth.of(2100, Month.JANUARY);
System.out.println(yearMonth); // 2100-01
final var ret1 = yearMonth.withYear(1999);
System.out.println(ret1); // 1999-01
final var ret2 = yearMonth.withMonth(8);
System.out.println(ret2); // 2100-08
YearMonth withYear (int year)
Returns a copy of this YearMonth with the year altered.
final var yearMonth = YearMonth.of(2100, Month.JANUARY);
System.out.println(yearMonth); // 2100-01
final var ret1 = yearMonth.withYear(1999);
System.out.println(ret1); // 1999-01
final var ret2 = yearMonth.withMonth(8);
System.out.println(ret2); // 2100-08
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