Java : IsoEra with Examples

IsoEra (Java SE 20 & JDK 20) with Examples.
You will find code examples on most IsoEra methods.


An era in the ISO calendar system.

Class diagram

final var locale = Locale.getDefault();
System.out.println(locale.toLanguageTag()); // en-US

    final var era = IsoEra.CE;
    System.out.println(era.getValue()); // 1

    final var name = era.getDisplayName(TextStyle.FULL, locale);
    System.out.println(name); // Anno Domini
    final var era = IsoEra.BCE;
    System.out.println(era.getValue()); // 0

    final var name = era.getDisplayName(TextStyle.FULL, locale);
    System.out.println(name); // Before Christ
final var date1 = LocalDate.of(2100, 12, 31);
System.out.println(date1); // 2100-12-31
System.out.println(date1.getEra()); // CE

final var date2 = LocalDate.of(-99, 1, 2);
System.out.println(date2); // -0099-01-02
System.out.println(date2.getEra()); // BCE

Enum Constants


The singleton instance for the era before the current one, 'Before Current Era', which has the numeric value 0.

final var era = IsoEra.BCE;
System.out.println(; // BCE
System.out.println(era.getValue()); // 0


The singleton instance for the current era, 'Current Era', which has the numeric value 1.

final var era = IsoEra.CE;
System.out.println(; // CE
System.out.println(era.getValue()); // 1


int getValue ()

Gets the numeric era int value.

final var era = IsoEra.CE;
System.out.println(era); // CE

System.out.println(era.getValue()); // 1
final var era = IsoEra.BCE;
System.out.println(era); // BCE

System.out.println(era.getValue()); // 0

static IsoEra of (int isoEra)

Obtains an instance of IsoEra from an int value.

final var era1 = IsoEra.of(0);
System.out.println(era1); // BCE

final var era2 = IsoEra.of(1);
System.out.println(era2); // CE

static IsoEra valueOf (String name)

Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.

final var era1 = IsoEra.valueOf("BCE");
System.out.println(era1); // BCE

final var era2 = IsoEra.valueOf("CE");
System.out.println(era2); // CE

static IsoEra[] values ()

Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.

for (final var era : IsoEra.values()) {

// Result
// ↓

Methods declared in Enum

clone, compareTo, describeConstable, equals, finalize, getDeclaringClass, hashCode, name, ordinal, toString, valueOf

Please see the link below.

Methods declared in Era

adjustInto, get, getDisplayName, getLong, isSupported, query, range

Please see the link below.

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