Java : DateTimeParseException with Examples

DateTimeParseException (Java SE 19 & JDK 19) API Examples.
You will find code examples on most DateTimeParseException methods.


An exception thrown when an error occurs during parsing.

Class diagram

System.out.println("-- OK --");
final var date1 = LocalDate.parse("2100-12-31");
System.out.println("date : " + date1);

System.out.println("-- NG --");
try {
    final var date2 = LocalDate.parse("2100-12-40");
} catch (DateTimeParseException e) {
    System.out.println("DateTimeParseException! : " + e.getMessage());

// Result
// ↓
//-- OK --
//date : 2100-12-31
//-- NG --
//DateTimeParseException! : Text '2100-12-40' could not be parsed:
// Invalid value for DayOfMonth (valid values 1 - 28/31): 40


DateTimeParseException (String message, CharSequence parsedData, int errorIndex)

Constructs a new exception with the specified message.

final var e = new DateTimeParseException("abcd", "2100-12-40", 8);
System.out.println(e); // java.time.DateTimeParseException: abcd
System.out.println(e.getMessage()); // abcd
System.out.println(e.getParsedString()); // 2100-12-40
System.out.println(e.getErrorIndex()); // 8

DateTimeParseException (String message, CharSequence parsedData, int errorIndex, Throwable cause)

Constructs a new exception with the specified message and cause.

final var cause = new DateTimeException("XYZ");
final var e = new DateTimeParseException("abcd", "2100-12-40", 8, cause);

System.out.println(e); // java.time.format.DateTimeParseException: abcd
System.out.println(e.getMessage()); // abcd
System.out.println(e.getParsedString()); // 2100-12-40
System.out.println(e.getErrorIndex()); // 8

System.out.println(e.getCause()); // java.time.DateTimeException: XYZ
System.out.println(e.getCause().getMessage()); // XYZ


String getParsedString ()

Returns the string that was being parsed.

Please see DateTimeParseException(String message, CharSequence parsedData, int errorIndex).

Methods declared in Throwable

addSuppressed, fillInStackTrace, getCause, getLocalizedMessage, getMessage, getStackTrace, getSuppressed, initCause, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, setStackTrace, toString

Please see the link below.

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