Java : InheritableThreadLocal with Examples

InheritableThreadLocal (Java SE 21 & JDK 21) with Examples.
You will find code examples on most InheritableThreadLocal methods.


This class extends ThreadLocal to provide inheritance of values from parent thread to child thread: when a child thread is created, the child receives initial values for all inheritable thread-local variables for which the parent has values.

Class diagram

try (final var parent1 = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
     final var parent2 = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor()) {

    final var local = new InheritableThreadLocal<String>();

    parent1.submit(() -> {
        try {
            System.out.println("parent 1 : set = abc");

            System.out.println("parent 1 : get = " + local.get());

            try (final var child = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor()) {
                child.submit(() -> {
                    System.out.println("child  1 : get = " + local.get());

        } catch (InterruptedException e) {


    parent2.submit(() -> {
        try {
            System.out.println("parent 2 : set = XYZ");

            System.out.println("parent 2 : get = " + local.get());

            try (final var child = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor()) {
                child.submit(() -> {
                    System.out.println("child  2 : get = " + local.get());

        } catch (InterruptedException e) {

// Result
// ↓
//parent 1 : set = abc
//parent 2 : set = XYZ
//parent 1 : get = abc
//child  1 : get = abc
//parent 2 : get = XYZ
//child  2 : get = XYZ


InheritableThreadLocal ()

Creates an inheritable thread local variable.

final var local = new InheritableThreadLocal<String>();
System.out.println(local.get()); // null

System.out.println(local.get()); // abc
final var local = new InheritableThreadLocal<Integer>();
System.out.println(local.get()); // null

System.out.println(local.get()); // 123


protected T childValue (T parentValue)

Computes the child's initial value for this inheritable thread-local variable as a function of the parent's value at the time the child thread is created.

try (final var parent = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor()) {

    final var local = new InheritableThreadLocal<String>() {
        protected String childValue(String parentValue) {
            System.out.println("-- childValue --");
            System.out.println("  parentValue = " + parentValue);

            return parentValue.toUpperCase();

    parent.submit(() -> {
        System.out.println("parent : get = " + local.get());

        try (final var child = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor()) {
            child.submit(() -> {
                System.out.println("child : get = " + local.get());

// Result
// ↓
//parent : get = abc
//-- childValue --
//  parentValue = abc
//child : get = ABC

Methods declared in ThreadLocal

get, initialValue, remove, set, withInitial

Please see the link below.

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