Java : ThreadLocal with Examples
ThreadLocal (Java SE 21 & JDK 21) with Examples.
You will find code examples on most ThreadLocal methods.
This class provides thread-local variables. These variables differ from their normal counterparts in that each thread that accesses one (via its get or set method) has its own, independently initialized copy of the variable.
class SharedTask implements Runnable {
private final ThreadLocal<Integer> local = ThreadLocal.withInitial(() -> 0);
public void run() {
try {
final var count = local.get() + 1;
final var id = Thread.currentThread().threadId();
System.out.printf("thread id = %d : count = %d%n", id, count);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
try (final var executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(3)) {
final var sharedTask = new SharedTask();
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
// Result
// ↓
//thread id = 32 : count = 1
//thread id = 33 : count = 1
//thread id = 34 : count = 1
//thread id = 32 : count = 2
//thread id = 33 : count = 2
//thread id = 34 : count = 2
//thread id = 32 : count = 3
//thread id = 33 : count = 3
//thread id = 34 : count = 3
ThreadLocal ()
Creates a thread local variable.
final var local = new ThreadLocal<String>();
System.out.println(local.get()); // null
System.out.println(local.get()); // abc
final var local = new ThreadLocal<Integer>();
System.out.println(local.get()); // null
System.out.println(local.get()); // 123
T get ()
Returns the value in the current thread's copy of this thread-local variable.
class SharedTask implements Runnable {
private final ThreadLocal<Integer> local = ThreadLocal.withInitial(() -> 0);
public void run() {
try {
final var count = local.get() + 1;
final var id = Thread.currentThread().threadId();
System.out.printf("thread id = %d : count = %d%n", id, count);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
try (final var executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(3)) {
final var sharedTask = new SharedTask();
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
// Result
// ↓
//thread id = 32 : count = 1
//thread id = 33 : count = 1
//thread id = 34 : count = 1
//thread id = 32 : count = 2
//thread id = 33 : count = 2
//thread id = 34 : count = 2
//thread id = 32 : count = 3
//thread id = 33 : count = 3
//thread id = 34 : count = 3
protected T initialValue ()
Returns the current thread's "initial value" for this thread-local variable.
Please see also : withInitial(Supplier<? extends S> supplier)
final var local = new ThreadLocal<String>() {
protected String initialValue() {
return "abc";
System.out.println(local.get()); // abc
System.out.println(local.get()); // XYZ
void remove ()
Removes the current thread's value for this thread-local variable.
final var local = ThreadLocal.withInitial(() -> "abc");
System.out.println(local.get()); // abc
System.out.println(local.get()); // XYZ
System.out.println(local.get()); // abc
final var local = new ThreadLocal<Integer>();
System.out.println(local.get()); // null
System.out.println(local.get()); // 123
System.out.println(local.get()); // null
void set (T value)
Sets the current thread's copy of this thread-local variable to the specified value.
Please see get().
static <S> ThreadLocal<S> withInitial (Supplier<? extends S> supplier)
Creates a thread local variable.
final var local = ThreadLocal.withInitial(() -> "abc");
System.out.println(local.get()); // abc
System.out.println(local.get()); // XYZ
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